Curriculum Areas
The Montessori classroom includes the following curriculum areas:

Practical Life exercises encourage care of the self, others and the environment. Activities include many of the tasks children see as part of their daily routine in the home such as preparing food, dusting, sweeping, and washing dishes. These purposeful activities allow the children to learn to function independently by caring for their own needs and the needs of the class environment. They learn to complete such tasks by developing their powers of control and concentration.

The Sensorial Area helps the children in the process of organizing their intelligence. All five senses are engaged as children learn to differentiate among sizes, colors, weights, forms, textures, scents, tastes, and musical sounds.

The Language Area provides the opportunity to develop oral language through discussions, storytelling, poetry, and vocabulary lessons. A phonics approach to reading is incorporated. Children fuse sound and symbol effortlessly through a sight-sound-touch presentation of the alphabet. Phonics instruction benefits children of all ages and prepares children to read. Writing and reading skills are developed and children are taught grammar and word function within sentences.

The Mathematics Area helps children learn and understand the concepts of math by manipulating concrete materials. Various activities allow the child to internalize concepts of quantity, sequence, decimal system, place value, and to explore the processes of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. This work gives children a solid understanding of basic mathematical principles, and gives the child a firm foundation to move into abstract thinking about mathematical relationships.

Geography, Science, Art, and Music Studies allow children to learn about the earth, ecosystems, continents, countries, states, climates, and animals, as well as the principles of honoring all religions, cultures, and people. This helps children to obtain a sense of self and community, and an understanding of where in the universe they can fit. Art programs, including pottery instruction, provide the opportunity to enjoy creative activities. These experiences help unify all aspects of the child’s learning.